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A fast, safe and easy way to send money — Available in 元素 利记和手机应用


  • -直接从你的账户汇款给他们-通常在几分钟内.1
  • 安全 -从您的利记app官网移动应用程序发送或接收资金. 不共享账号.
  • 容易 -给任何你认识和信任的人汇款1 只使用电子邮件地址或U.S. 手机号码.


Zelle® is a fast, safe and easy way to send money directly between almost any bank accounts in the U.S.通常在几分钟内1. 只需要一个电子邮件地址或U.S. 手机号码, you can send money to people you trust, regardless of w在这里 they bank1.



  • 首先, 登录元素利记或手机应用程序,选择“转账” & 点击“支付”,然后点击“Send 钱 with Zelle®”. 输入您的电子邮件地址或U.S. 手机号码, 收到一次性验证码, 进去, 接受条款和条件, 并且您已经准备好开始使用Zelle®发送和接收.

    If you don't already have it, download our mobile banking app to get started.
  • 使用Zelle®汇款, simply select someone from your mobile device’s contacts (or add a trusted recipient’s email address or U.S. 手机号码), add the amount you’d like to send and an optional note, review, then hit "Send.“在大多数情况下,你的收款人几分钟内就能拿到钱1.
  • 使用Zelle®要钱, 选择“请求,选择你想要向他要钱的人, 输入您想要的金额, 包括一个可选的注释, 查看并点击“请求”. 如果您请求资金的人尚未注册Zelle®, 你必须使用他们的电子邮件地址来申请资金. 如果这个人已经注册了他们的美国大学.S. 手机号码, then you can send the request using their 手机号码.
  • 要收钱, 只需分享您注册的电子邮件地址或U.S. 手机号码 with a friend and ask them to send you money with Zelle®. If you have already enrolled with Zelle®, you do not need to take any further action. The money will be sent directly into your 元素 account通常在几分钟内1.


It’s easy — Zelle® is already available within the 元素 mobile app and online banking! Check our app or sign-in online and follow a few simple steps to enroll with Zelle® today.

If you don't already have it, download our mobile banking app to get started.


如果我在尝试注册电子邮件地址或U.S. 手机号码?

您的电子邮件地址或U.S. 手机号码 may already be enrolled with Zelle® at another bank or credit union.

如果您想移动您的电子邮件地址或U.S. 手机号码 from the financial institution w在这里 you initially enrolled with Zelle®, simply click "Transfer" when prompted during the Zelle® enrollment process and confirm your desired changes.

一旦您将您的电子邮件地址或U.S. 手机号码, 它会连接到你在元素的银行账户上, 您可以立即开始使用Zelle®汇款和收款.


当您通过元素手机银行应用程序注册Zelle®时, 你的名字, 您的银行/信用合作社的名称, 以及美国邮政的电子邮件地址.S. 手机号码 you enrolled is shared with Zelle® (no sensitive account details are shared — those stay with 元素).

当有人把钱寄到你注册的电子邮件地址或U.S. 手机号码, Zelle® looks up the email address or 手机号码 in its directory and notifies 元素 of the incoming payment. 然后,我们将付款转到您的元素帐户, 同时保持您的敏感帐户详细信息的私密性.


确保您的资金和信息安全是元素的首要任务. 当您使用Zelle®在我们的移动应用程序或利记, your information is protected with the same technology we use to keep your 元素 account safe.


你可以寄钱给朋友, family and others you trust even if they have a different bank or credit union1.

Since money is sent directly from your 元素 account to another person’s bank account within minutes1, 只把钱寄给你信任的人是很重要的, 并始终确保你使用了正确的电子邮件地址或U.S. 手机号码.

我不确定用Zelle®付款给我不认识的人. 我该怎么办??

If you don’t know the person or aren’t sure you will get what you paid for (for example, 从网上竞标或销售网站购买的物品), 你不应该使用Zelle®.

These types of transactions are potentially high risk (just like sending cash to a person you don’t know is high risk). Neither 元素 nor Zelle® offers a protection program for any authorized payments made with Zelle® — for example, if you do not receive the item you paid for or the item is not as described or as you expected.


Zelle®是一个伟大的方式寄钱给家人, 朋友, 还有你熟悉的人,比如你的私人教练, 保姆或邻居1.

Since money is sent directly from your 元素 account to another person’s bank account within minutes1, Zelle® should only be used to send money to 朋友, family and others you trust.

Neither 元素 nor Zelle® offers a protection program for any authorized payments made with Zelle® — for example, if you do not receive the item you paid for or the item is not as described or as you expected.


一些小型企业可以使用Zelle®接收付款. 询问你最喜欢的小企业是否接受Zelle®付款. 如果有的话, you can pay them directly from your 元素 mobile app using just their email address or U.S. 手机号码.

Neither 元素 nor Zelle® offers a protection program for any authorized payments made with Zelle®, 所以你应该只把钱寄给你信任的人(和小企业). 此外,一定要确保你使用了正确的电子邮件地址或U.S. 汇款时的手机号码.


为了使用Zelle®, the sender and recipient’s bank or credit union accounts must be based in the U.S.


You can only cancel a payment if the person you sent money to hasn’t yet enrolled with Zelle®. To check whether the payment is still pending because the recipient hasn’t yet enrolled, 你可以去你的活动页面, 选择要取消的付款, 然后选择“取消此付款”.,如果您没有看到此选项可用, please contact our member support team at 800-621-2105 寻求帮助 with canceling the pending payment.

如果您汇款的人已经注册了Zelle®, 钱会直接打到他们的银行账户,不能取消. 这就是为什么只把钱寄给你信任的人很重要, 并始终确保你使用了正确的电子邮件地址或U.S. 汇款时的手机号码.

如果你把钱寄错了人, please immediately call our member support team at 800-621-2105 so we can help you.


元素不收取任何费用1 与您的元素支票帐户一起使用Zelle®.


The amount of money you can send and the frequency are set by each participating financial institution. 要确定元素发送限制,请致电我们的会员服务800-621-2105.

使用Zelle®,您可以收到的金额没有限制. 然而, remember that the person sending you money will most likely have limits set by their own financial institution on the amount of money they can send you.


You can find a full list of participating banks and credit unions live with Zelle® 在这里.

如果收款人的银行不在名单上,也不用担心! 参与的金融机构的名单一直在增长, and your recipient can still use Zelle® by downloading the Zelle® app for Android and iOS.

注册Zelle®应用程序, 收件人将输入他们的基本联系信息, 一个电子邮件地址和美国.S. 手机号码,以及Visa®或万事达卡®借记卡,借记卡上有美国信用卡.S. 美国账户(不包括美国账户).S. 领土). Zelle® does not accept debit cards associated with international deposit accounts or any credit cards.


是的! 他们将通过电子邮件或短信收到通知.S. 他们在Zelle注册时使用的手机号码®.


If you have already enrolled with Zelle®, you do not need to take any further action. The money will be sent directly into your 元素 account通常在几分钟内1.


  1. Click on the link provided in the payment notification you received via email or text message.
  2. 选择元素
  3. Follow the instructions provided on the page to enroll and receive your payment. 注意邮件地址或U.S. 手机号码 w在这里 you received the payment notification — you should enroll with Zelle® using that email address or U.S. 手机号码,以确保您收到您的钱.


钱 sent with Zelle® is typically available to an enrolled recipient within minutes.

如果你给没有注册Zelle®的人汇款, 他们将收到一个通知,提示他们注册. 入学后, 这笔钱将直接打到收款人的账户上通常在几分钟内.

如果您的付款正在等待, we recommend confirming that the person you sent money to has enrolled with Zelle® and that you entered the correct email address or U.S. 手机号码.

如果你在等着收钱, you should check to see if you’ve received a payment notification via email or text message. 如果您没有收到付款通知, we recommend following up with the sender to confirm they entered the correct email address or U.S. 手机号码.

还是有问题? 请拨打免费电话800-621-2105.

It's so convenient to send or receive money with my 朋友 or the handyman who is always working on my house.

——罗斯·G. | 2005年加入至今
  1. 1 U.S. 使用Zelle®所需的支票或储蓄账户. 注册消费者之间的交易通常在几分钟内完成.

    Zelle and the Zelle related marks are wholly owned by Early Warning 服务, 并经许可在此使用.